Friday, April 8, 2011

National Onion Board - Press Kit Cover Letter

Breathe Easy – Designer Onions On Their Way For Spring and Summer

Designer onions are quite simply the sweet spring and summer onions grown only in selected areas of the country, that are so mild and flavorful that they can be eaten out of hand, like an apple.  But, before we get into the specifics about Vidalias, Mauis, Walla Wallas, Imperials and the like, here are a few basic facts about onions that might help you with a story angle.

·         During the middle ages, onions were so valuable they were used as rent payments and wedding gifts. (Great idea for your next bridal shower – no bride in history has ever complained of receiving duplicate onions.)
·         In the 18th century, onions’ high Vitamin C content helped ward off scurvy on the voyages of explorers such as Captain James Cook.  At one point, Cook refused to sail until each member of his crew ate 30 pounds of onions.  (It only took one man to comply – the rest chowed down in self defense).
·         We’re not exactly sure why, but during the Civil War, the War Department received an urgent message from General U. S. Grant saying “I will not move my army without onions.”  They complied immediately.  (Grant’s side won.)
·         Onions are high in fiber and totally fat and cholesterol free.  In fact, studies at East Texas State University identified a chemical in onions called Prostaglandin A1, which has been shown to significantly reduce blood cholesterol and blood pressure. (There’s no punch line, but what’s a food story without a cholesterol/fiber tie in?)

Now, read on for the details about your favorite regional onions!

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